Trip to East Coast: October 2023

Tuesday, October 17

On the "Cardinal:" I ride in one of the newer style Viewliner roomettes, with a sink but no toilet and a digital thermostat.

Wednesday, October 18

New York City

At the New Yorker Hotel I have a corner room on the 20th floor overlooking Madison Square Garden.

Thursday, October 19

Herald Square

Bryant Park

New York Public Library

Empire State Building

New Yorker Hotel

Madison Square Garden

Moynihan Train Hall

Leaving on the "Silver Meteor." I am the only sleeper car passenger traveling the entire route from NYC to Miami. Unfortunately I'm at dinner, sitting on the wrong side of the dining car, when we pass Chesapeake Bay, the most scenic part of this train route.

Friday, October 20

I wake up just as we're pulling out of Savannah, Georgia, so I'm not able to take a picture of the station. Florida is mostly a blur of trees and palmettos, with occasional glimpses of cow pastures.